Reminder: Classroom Teacher Survey

by Jodi Church -

Survey for ECBOCES Classroom Teachers

A leadership team made up of gifted coordinators from East Central and Northeast BOCES schools, along with the BOCES GT coordinators, would like your feedback about gifted students and education as we consider professional development offerings for the 2025-2026 school year. We value your input and feedback as we want to offer PD that meets your needs with gifted and high-achieving students in the classroom. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. 

The survey will close on 03/31/25.

Link to Survey 

Please reach out to Jodi Church with any questions. 

Denver Museum of Nature and Science Summer PD

by Megan Eikleberry -

The Denver Museum of Nature & Science is offer summer PD courses and scholarships are available! Please see the attached PDF for professional development options.

We updated our teacher scholarship policy to make it simpler. They are eligible for a 50% off scholarship based-upon whether or not their school is a Title 1 school.

Here's a quick link, from our website, to determine if their school is eligible

If your school is 100 miles or more away from the museum, we will also provide them with mileage reimbursement.

HOTEL DISCOUNTS: For multi-day workshops and courses we also work with a nearby hotel to get them hotel rooms at a decent discount. 

Contact Tim Blesse for more questions:

Tim Blesse

Teacher Programs Consultant

Denver Museum of Nature and Science

2001 Colorado Boulevard, Denver CO 80205

(W) 303.370.8298 (C) 303.949.8683

Colorado BioScience Externship Application Now Open

by Megan Eikleberry -

The Colorado BioScience Institute is excited to announce that the 2025 application for the Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program is now open. This program offers a unique opportunity for middle and high school science and biomedical pathway teachers to engage in a hands-on, transformative experience that will enhance both their teaching and student learning.Please share the program details below with your teachers. We greatly appreciate your support in promoting this valuable opportunity!

The Colorado BioScience Institute is thrilled to announce that applications are now open for the 2025 Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program! Spots are limited, so we encourage you to apply soon.
The Colorado BioScience Institute (a 501(c)(3) non-profit) is dedicated to cultivating and diversifying Colorado’s life sciences workforce from classroom to campus to careers. Through the RET program, we aim to provide middle and high school Science and CTE teachers with practical, hands-on experience at life sciences companies, helping them enhance both content knowledge and classroom practices, particularly in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
Lacee Sherman's RET Experience:
Lacee Sherman participated in RET in 2024 and completed her externship at STAQ Pharma. STAQ Pharma combats drug shortages by manufacturing essential medicines that are in low supply. Through the Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program Lacee has brought invaluable lessons from the lab at STAQ Pharma straight into her classroom, helping her students see the relevance of science in their everyday lives. Read the full story here.
Program Details:
The RET program is a 3.5-week externship, running from June 4-27, 2025, hosted at bioscience companies throughout the metro area. This is a unique opportunity for educators to collaborate with scientists and gain firsthand experience in a life sciences company.
Key Dates & Requirements:
  • Kick-off: June 4, 2025 (in-person professional development, 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM)
  • Final Virtual professional development: June 27, 2025 (2-hour live virtual session)
  • Online Coursework: To be completed within weekly timelines between June 4-27
Participants will be eligible to receive a $3,000 stipend and 1.0 graduate credits upon completion of the 3.5-week program, which includes fulfilling the required externship hours, professional development training, and classroom learning experience project. For more details, please refer to the FAQ document.
Application Process: Deadline April 23, 2025
Interested teachers need to complete an application, including your resume and an administrative letter of recommendation. You can also ask that you have a building administrator send an email recommendation on your behalf vs attaching to the application. We will also ask the following questions in the application.
  • Please tell us your motivation for applying to the RET program
  • What do you hope to gain by participating in the program?
  • How do you envision applying your learnings from this externship experience into your classroom?
For additional details, please refer to the FAQ document.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We look forward to receiving your application!

Colorado BioScience Institute Team

Lisa Wilder (She/Her)

Partnership and Program Coordinator

Colorado BioScience Institute 

(414) 840-7425

600 Grant St #306 | Denver, CO 80203 

Attention Science Teachers!!

by Megan Eikleberry -

Join Our Team of Professional Learning Facilitators

Are you a Colorado science educator interested in supporting science teacher learning? inquiryHub, in partnership with the Colorado Department of Education, is excited to launch a statewide professional learning initiative. In order to best serve teachers in all regions, we are hiring outstanding Colorado science educators to support learning and become a resource for teachers in each region. 

If selected, you will be hired as a consultant to join a cohort of professionals that learn together about how to support teachers as they implement the Colorado Academic Standards for science in their classrooms. You will attend an in-person training in the metro area June 5-6, 2025 and facilitate at least 5 professional learning sessions between July 2025 and June 2026 in your region and/or around the state. Applications are due 3/31/25.
This project is supported by a partnership between the Colorado Department of Education and inquiryHub at the University of Colorado Boulder. It is funded by the Colorado legislature House Bill 24-1446 Professional Development for Science Teachers. 
Thank you for your commitment to moving science education forward in Colorado! 

Classroom Teacher Survey

by Jodi Church -

Survey for ECBOCES Classroom Teachers

A leadership team made up of gifted coordinators from East Central and Northeast BOCES schools, along with the BOCES GT coordinators, would like your feedback about gifted students and education as we consider professional development offerings for the 2025-2026 school year. We value your input and feedback as we want to offer PD that meets your needs with gifted and high-achieving students in the classroom. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. 

Link to Survey 

Please reach out to Jodi Church with any questions. 

Twice Exceptional (2e) Training, April 16th

by Jodi Church -

This will be the final of three Twice Exceptional trainings led by the CDE 2e Cadre. Join us on zoom Wednesday, April 16th, from 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. This PD will focus on the identification of 2e students. 

Register at ECBOCES educators will earn a stipend for attending the entire presentation. 

Reach out to Jodi,, with questions. 

March Professional Development

by Megan Eikleberry -

See the attached link for March Professional Development offered by ECBOCES. To register, visit the ECBOCES website and head to the calendar of events page!

March PD

Reminder: Twice Exceptional Students, Part 2, 02/19/25

by Jodi Church -

Twice Exceptional Student, Part 2

Wednesday, February 19, 2025, from 4:30 - 5:30

Part 2 will focus on strategies to help support 2e students in the classroom.

Go to for registration information and the zoom link.  Stipends will be provided for ECBOCES educators who attended Part 1 and also attend Part 2.

Contact Jodi at with questions.

2e Flyer

AI Training Scheduled March 5th! Open to ALL districts.

by Emma Richardson -

This training is designed for Administrators and Teachers.  
Join us for a hands-on workshop exploring how AI can transform education! This session will help educators build foundational AI literacy, discover practical classroom applications, and learn how to evaluate and implement AI tools effectively. Topics will include AI basics, ethical considerations, productivity tools, and lesson plan creation. Participants will engage in collaborative activities, explore real-life scenarios, and leave with actionable strategies and resources to enhance teaching and learning. Small group and individual work will be supported throughout this day-long workshop.
In person or via Zoom.  Register Today!

One question survey on STEM Professional Development

by Emma Richardson -

As I am applying for some grant funding, I would like see what Professional Development in the STEM area you would like to see us provide.  Please respond to this one question survey to assist me in bringing you the PD that you want!

STEM Survey

Thank you for your time!

Emma Richardson

Distance Learning Coordinator

Reminder: ELA PD Coaching Session 2/4 and 2/5

by Megan Eikleberry -

Catapult Learning is hosting open coaching sessions packed with content strategies you can actually use! Join us for a chance to bring your questions to the experts, plus walk away with easy-to-implement strategies focused on reading and writing. 

And the best part? You’ll receive a $25 stipend just for attending! Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to learn, grow, and be rewarded!

K-5 session will be tonight, Feb. 4th, from 4:15-5:45

6-12 session will be tomorrow, Feb. 5th, from 4:15-5:45

National Civic Bee Registration

by Megan Eikleberry -

National Civics Bee: Deadline to Apply is February 4, 2025

  • The Daniels Fund is co-sponsoring the 2025 National Civics Bee with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
    • The national grand prize is a $100,000 529 plan 
    • The competition is open to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students
    • Information on how to apply is here, and more information is linked here
  • The national competition is organized by The Civic Trust of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, in partnership with local and state chambers of commerce across the nation
    • In Colorado, 8 Chambers of Commerce will support local competitions to be hosted throughout the state
      • Arvada: Thursday, May 1, 2025 (5:30 PM - 7:00 PM) (Revive Church / The Bridge 8270 W 80th Ave, Arvada, CO 80005)
      • Buena Vista: TBD
      • Craig:  April 2025 - TBD
      • Denver: TBD
      • Eastern Plains (based in Falcon): TBD
      • Grand Junction: TBD
      • Windsor: TBD

February Professional Development

by Megan Eikleberry -

Please see the attached link for February's Professional Development offered by ECBOCES. To register, visit the ECBOCES website and head to the calendar of events page!

February PD

Colorado Student-Centered Science Assessment Learning Series and Toolkit

by Megan Eikleberry -

The Colorado Student-Centered Science Assessment Learning Series and Toolkit is a professional learning program aimed at shifting the culture of assessment to one that supports positive, confidence-building student experiences and provides teachers with assessments that reveal key insights into student understanding. It helps educators and leaders use assessments to improve instruction and build stronger relationships, focusing on functional assessment literacy and ongoing, classroom-based learning. 

FREE PD Opportunity!!

In-Person on Thursday, February 13, 2025. 8:00AM-3:30PM
Cherry Creek Instructional Support Facility. 5416 S. Riviera Way Aurora, CO 80015
What do middle school students think about feedback? Let's find out! 

Join us as we sit beside middle school students to figure out how we can approach assessment feedback in ways that keep learners focused on continued learning and make them feel well cared for.


Hosted by Cherry Creek School District. Sponsored by the Colorado Department of Education and the Learning Policy Institute


Spring Kickoff Event with agenda times

Reminder: 3- Minute Survey to Provide Feedback for Professional Development Next School Year

by Megan Eikleberry -

Just a quick reminder—The Professional Development survey will close on Friday, January 31st!

If you haven’t already, please take a moment to complete this short survey about professional development. Your feedback will help the PD Needs Assessment Committee plan for the 2025-26 school year by shaping the topics and presenters for upcoming Zoom sessions and the Summer Institute.

Survey Link

Your time and feedback are greatly appreciated!!

CLD + Gifted Virtual Self-Paced Courses

by Jodi Church -

Registration is open for the CLD+Gifted virtual self-paced courses. See the course flyer for details about each course. Participants who complete a course by May 9th will receive 15 CEU's per course and those will count toward the CDE re-licensure requirement for CLD hours.

Cost: $75 per course. The fee will be reimbursed to ECBOCES educators who complete the course(s) by May 9th. Register only for the course(s) you will be able to finish by May 9th. The fee will not roll over nor will there be any reimbursements for courses not completed by May 9th.

Register by February 1st. Registration link is on the flyer. 

Optional graduate credit is available through ASU. See more information on the flyer. 

Course Flyer

Contact Jodi with questions.

Reminder, Today: Twice Exceptional Students: Definition, Characteristics, Strengths, and Identification

by Jodi Church -

January 8th (Part I) and February 19th (Part 2), 2025, on Zoom from 4:30 - 5:30

For classroom teachers, special education teachers, gifted education coordinators, and administrators. 

Twice Exceptional (2e) students are those who are identified as both gifted and who are on an IEP or 504 plan. These two sessions will be hosted by the CDE Twice Exceptional Team. The consultants will focus on what it means to be 2e: definition, characteristics, strengths, and how to identify and serve these students. 

Register at Stipends will be provided for ECBOCES educators who attend both sessions for the entire hour. 

Questions? Contact Jodi Church at

2e Flyer

Twice Exceptional Students: Definition, Characteristics, Strengths, and Identification

by Jodi Church -

January 8th (Part I) and February 19th (Part 2), 2025, on Zoom from 4:30 - 5:30

For classroom teachers, special education teachers, gifted education coordinators, and administrators. 

Twice Exceptional (2e) students are those who are identified as both gifted and who are on an IEP or 504 plan. These two sessions will be hosted by the CDE Twice Exceptional Team. The consultants will focus on what it means to be 2e: definition, characteristics, strengths, and how to identify and serve these students. 

Register at Stipends will be provided for ECBOCES educators who attend both sessions for the entire hour. 

Questions? Contact Jodi Church at

2e Flyer

If someone in your district is looking for FREE EL PD see opportunity below.

by Mitzi Swiatkowski -

WIDA Self-Paced Professional Learning  


12 self-paced workshops are available to Colorado K-12 public school educators with a district email address at no cost from Sept. 1, 2024 – Aug. 31, 2025. The content is relevant for all educators: school leaders, coaches and facilitators, K-12 classroom teachers, ELD coordinators and specialists, and professional learning communities. Virtual workshops are available under the Professional Learning tab within the WIDA Secure Portal (a valid login required to participate in workshops).   


Accessing WIDA professional learning:  

  1. Log in to your WIDA Secure Portal account. Don’t have an account yet? Contact your District Assessment Coordinator for account activation.  
  2. Locate the course and click on Course Details. Click Enroll Now.  
  3. Complete a self-paced workshop and print your certificate by August 31, 2025.  
  4. Contact the WIDA Client Services Center at (866) 276-7735 or for technical assistance.  


by Lorie Coonts -

PRESENTERS:  Catapult Learning



Join experts from Catapult Learning for a professional development coaching session centered on the Science of Reading for ALL 6-12 content teachers. You’ll receive personalized coaching to effectively implement strategies from the October PD session or other topics you bring to discuss. This support aims to empower you to boost your students’ literacy skills and confidence throughout the school year. Teachers are encouraged to submit their questions in advance via the Google Doc in the event resource section. A $25 stipend is included! 


If you were already signed up for this session, you don't need to register again unless you are unable to attend on this date, then please go into and cancel your registration.  If you have not yet signed up, sign up now to attend zoom session on November 20th from 4:15 - 5:15 p.m. 

Change of date for CPI Initial that was canceled due to weather

by Lorie Coonts -

Hello All -

We have rescheduled the CPI Initial training from November 8th to December 6th.  If you were already registered, you do not need to register again. But if you can't attend on this date, please go in and disenroll.  If you want to attend and are not signed up, please go in and register as soon as possible so that you can get your online work done before the December 6th training.   If you have questions, please call our office or contact one of the presenters.  Thank you! 

CPI Course November 8, 2024

by Beverly Blagg -

Due to inclement weather conditions, the CPI Class scheduled for Friday, November 8, 2024, has been canceled. It has been rescheduled for December 6, 2024. Participants wishing to attend the class on this new date will need to go to the EC BOCES website on Monday November 11 after 1:00 p.m. to register for the class. 

Upcoming In Person Early Childhood Cluster!

by Lorie Coonts -

This is has been canceled due to lack of participation!  We will reschedule in the Spring, watch for rescheduled date.  

TRAINING DATE:  November 4, 2024
TRAINING TIME:    5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
PRESENTER:   Faith Wailes 

LOCATION: East Central BOCES West Training Rom 

DESCRIPTION: In person only!! "Join us for an engaging and informative training designed to empower early childhood educators with practical strategies for implementing visual supports in the classroom. This training will explore the use of visuals to enhance communication, support transitions, and promote independence for young learners, particularly those with diverse learning needs. Participants will gain hands-on experience creating and utilizing visual aids such as schedules, social stories, play visuals, book visuals, and choice boards. Whether you're new to visual supports or looking to refine your techniques, this session will provide valuable tools to enrich your teaching and foster a more inclusive learning environment." A light meal will be provided so make sure that you register so that we have an accurate count for supper.

If you are unable to attend, please be sure to Cancel Your Registration.
If you need accessibility accommodations, please list them in the Accommodations section at the bottom of your profile.
If you need to change how you will be attending this training, use the Change Attendance Location button.
If this training has a stipend attached to it, please use the Stipend button to see what you will need to submit to receive your stipend.
By attending this training, you are agreeing to allow photographs of the training to be posted on this website.  If you do not want to allow this, please use the Photo Permission button to rescind permission.

Help us make our website better!! (Three minute survey)

by Emma Richardson -

Please take a few minutes to complete a survey about our website that will help us keep improving it so it is easier to use.  It will just take a few minutes unless you want to help more and there is an option for that too!!

We appreciate any assistance you can offer in this process!!


3- Minute Survey to Provide Feedback for Professional Development Next School Year

by Megan Eikleberry -

Please take a moment to participate in this brief survey focused on professional development. Your input will assist the PD Needs Assessment Committee in gathering feedback on potential professional development topics for the upcoming 2025-26 school year. Your feedback will be used for planning purposes to determine professional development topics and presenters for zoom sessions and summer institute. 

Survey Link

Your time and feedback are greatly appreciated!!

November Professional Development

by Megan Eikleberry -

Please see the attached link to view November professional development opportunities provided by EC BOCES. Register on the EC BOCES website!

Nov. PD Link

Differentation Ideas for Gifted and Advanced Students

by Jodi Church -

Reminder: Tuesday, October 29th from 4:15 - 5:15 on Zoom

Join Jodi Church, ECBOCES GT Coordinator, for ideas on how to differentiate for gifted and advanced learners in the classroom. 

Register at

Questions? Contact Jodi,

Tomorrow - Gifted Identification of Multilingual Learners

by Jodi Church -

Gifted Identification of Multilingual Learners

Wednesday, October 23rd, 4:30-5:30 on Zoom

For GT coordinators, ELD coordinators, and classroom teachers

Join us for an overview of best practices in identifying our gifted multilingual students. Nisia Patalan will discuss using data from the ACCESS and other assessment as well as what characteristics to watch for in the classroom.

Register at  Contact Jodi Church, with questions.

ECBOCES Website Maintenance 10/21/24

by Emma Richardson -

The ECBOCES Website will be offline for a while this afternoon while we do some server maintenance and upgrades. 

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Earn recertification hours and learn about gifted education!

by Jodi Church -

The Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented hosts conversations with experts from the field of gifted education. Choose one or more of the eight "Conversations with CAGT" that are listed here, and after watching the recording and correctly completing the accompanying questions, earn one hour of recertification credit per video. More information can be found at the link. This opportunity is for ECBOCES educators through April 30, 2025. 

Reach out to Jodi at with questions. 

47th Annual CoTESOL Fall Convention Registration

by Megan Eikleberry -

2024 CoTESOL Fall Convention

Friday & Saturday, November 15th-16th, 2024

Two-day In-person Event from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (MDT)

Theme: "Cultivating Colorado's Multilingual Landscapes"


Adams 12 Five Star Schools Conference Center

1500 E 128th Ave, Thornton, CO 80241

We are pleased to announce our fabulous Keynote Speakers:

  • Dr. Susana Cordova
  • Dr. Yasuko Kanno
  • Gerardo Munoz
  • Dr. Diane Staehr Fenner

Schedule at a glance available here!

Registration Deadline: Friday, November 1st @ 5:00 PM (MST)

Rates for Active CoTESOL Members (All Rates Include Continental Breakfast and Buffet Lunch)

  • Individual 1-Day Rate: $185
  • Individual 2-Day Rate: $195
  • Group 1-Day Rate: $175/person for groups of 4+ from the same institution (Click on 'Add Guest' button to add each additional member)
  • Group 2-Day Rate: $185/person for groups of 4+ from the same institution (Click on 'Add Guest' button to add each additional member)
  • Presenter 1-Day Rate: $160
  • Presenter 2-Day Rate: $170

Please log into the CoTESOL website to access the active member rates.

Rates for Non-CoTESOL Members (All Rates Include Continental Breakfast and Buffet Lunch)

  • Individual 1-Day Rate: $215
  • Individual 2-Day Rate: $225
  • Group 1-Day Rate: $205/person for groups of 4+ from the same institution (Click on 'Add Guest' button to add each additional member)
  • Group 2-Day Rate: $215/person for groups of 4+ from the same institution (Click on 'Add Guest' button to add each additional member)
  • Presenter 1-Day Rate: $190
  • Presenter 2-Day Rate: $200

You can purchase new or renewed annual membership for $25 to access the active member rate for this event. Just click the following link: Join Us

Rates for Part-Time Practitioners, Retired Persons, or Students

  • 1-Day: $165
  • 2-Days: $175 

Scholarships: CoTESOL has scholarships available for convention fees. Please submit your application here if you are interested!

Cancellations: Cancellations can be accommodated up to 10-days prior to the start of the event.

Hotel Information

There are a number of hotels in the vicinity of The Conference Center in Thornton.  The following hotel is offering a special discounted rate for CoTESOL Fall Convention attendees:

DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Denver - Thornton

83 E. 120th Avenue

Thornton, CO 80233

Main phone number: 303-920-8000

Direct phone number: 303-252-6003

Mention "COTESOL Attendee block, Group Code: CTE" when you call the hotel, or use the link below to book a room online.

Booking Link: Click HERE to reserve your room

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education Hours

*Pending CDE Approval*

Qualifying presentations will be aligned to the English Learner PD standards and support the attainment of the 45 hours of CLDE professional development required for Colorado Department of Education K-12 teacher license renewal.

By choosing to attend CLDE-designated presentations, attendees can earn several hours of CLDE PD credit. (Actual PD hours determined by the sessions attended.)  Participants will receive a certificate upon completing the Fall Convention and a copy of the CDE English Learner PD Standards Matrix prefilled with the training alignment.

Strengthening Math Instruction through the Math Practices!

by Megan Eikleberry -

Make sure you register for the Math PD next week offered through ECBOCES! 

October 15th: K-5 Zoom from 4:15-5:45

October 16th: 6-12 Zoom from 4:15-5:45

Join Catapult Learning in this virtual, interactive workshop! Teachers will explore 4 of the 8 practices that the NCTM has identified as elements of effective math instruction. Teachers will cross-walk these 8 practices with the Mathematical Practice Standards. After deconstructing each practice into sub-skills, teachers will design personalized goals for professional growth. This workshop will serve as a springboard into the November 12 coaching day. Stipend included!

Differentiation and Programming Ideas for Gifted Students

by Jodi Church -

If you need ideas for how to differentiate or provide enrichment for gifted and advanced learners in your K-12 classroom, join Jodi Church on October 29, 2024 from  4:15 - 5:15 on Zoom.

Attention K-5 and 6-12 Teachers: PD Reminder!!

by Megan Eikleberry -

Reminder of upcoming professional development digging deeper into the Science of Reading and how to Implement effective strategies to get ALL students reading and understanding your content! 

K-5 session: October 1st, 4:15-5:45

6-12 session: October 2nd, 4:15-5:45

Don’t miss the professional development series for K-5 and 6-12 teachers focused on the Science of Reading! Gain research-based strategies to enhance reading and writing instruction across all grades and content areas. You will discover effective strategies to support diverse learners, including emerging readers, writers, and gifted students. Empower yourself with tools to strengthen your students’ literacy skills and boost their confidence throughout the school year! Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your teaching and positively impact your students! 

$25 dollar stipend for everyone who attends the live zoom session! We look forward to seeing you there!

zSpace Collaboration Day: Enhancing Student Achievement through 3D Interactive Learning

by Chris McGilvery -

Date: October 14, 2024
Time: 8am-3pm
Location: EC BOCES West Training Room


Discover how zSpace enhances student achievement and fosters 21st-century skills through immersive 3D technology. This hands-on workshop is ideal for educators looking to integrate zSpace into science, math, and CTE curriculums, including Agriculture, Computer Science, Biology, and more. Register to take away practical ways to implement zSpace in your classroom and other learning environments.

There are various 3D applications in zSpace, such as:

  • VIVED Science: 3D virtual dissections in anatomy, botany, zoology, and more.

  • VIVED Chemistry: Interactive activities and simulations for physical science and chemistry.

  • VIVED Anatomy: 3D dissections for learning anatomy and physiology.

  • Franklin’s Lab: Circuit building and troubleshooting in 3D.

  • Newton’s Park: Simulations on force, motion, and Newtonian mechanics.

  • WAVE NG Welder: Hands-on training welding techniques to help students master welding fundamentals.

Special Offer:
EC BOCES will be giving away a few zSpace Devices to attendees. Registration is required, and if you register by October 2, you will receive two entries in the drawing for a chance to win a free zSpace device.

Please bring your zSpace device or reach out to your zSpace Coordinator on your campus to bring one with you. This training is open to all member districts, but only Perkins districts with innovation grants are eligible to receive zSpace devices.

Perkins AG Science Meeting date correction: Moved from Oct. 29-Oct. 30

by Mitzi Swiatkowski -

The Perkins consortium AG Science teachers will be meeting on Oct. 30.  The October PD Opportunities document has been updated.

Oct. 30th: Perkins AG Science CTE Teachers: 9:00-3:00 ECBOCES West Training Room Presenters: Mitzi Swiatkowski, Federal Programs

DESCRIPTION: For Perkins Ag Science CTE Teachers: Please join us on October 30 from 9-3 in the EC BOCES west training room to discuss the 24-25 grant activities and requirements, plan the spring meeting, and consider Ag conference (PD) possibilities (which includes finalizing topics, presenters, site, dates and resources) to implement once grant is approved. Ag Conference Description: Ag Science teachers plan to organize an Agriculture Science Conference to provide targeted professional development focusing on developing "Intro to Ag" and Power Structure skills. This conference will cover areas such as plumbing and soldering, electrical work, and concrete. Each area will address safety, maintenance tips, repairs, and classroom implementation. The teachers have identified potential presenters and resources for each topic. Recognizing that this comprehensive training cannot be completed in a single year, they plan to address one or two topics each year over the next several years. Furthermore, they have differentiated the activities to further teacher knowledge and skills addressing the needs of teachers who are just starting out and veterans of the field.

September READ Act Literacy Newsletter

by Megan Eikleberry -

READ Act Literacy Updates 


  Text Box      

Colorado Department of Education Logo 


September 2024 


Bookmark us!  

There have been a lot of conversations about phonemic awareness lately. There are lots of questions about when to teach it, who needs phonemic awareness, and whether to incorporate letters. This newsletter update will help provide answers to some of those questions.  


Dive into your new school year with the tools you need to effectively teach phonemic awareness. This edition of the READ Act Literacy Updates Newsletter highlights research in podcasts, videos, blogs, and other resources.  


Not ready to dig in right now? Our newsletters are archived for easy access.  

Click here (Better yet, bookmark it!) to access both current and past newsletters! 



Melissa and Lori Love Literacy Ep. 183:  

Aligning Phonemic Awareness Instruction to Research  

Listen to the experiences of two teachers as they share their journeys to better instructional practices in phonemic awareness. Both offer practical tips for phonemic awareness instruction that aligns to research and highlights key skills that move students in the right direction during reading instruction. 


Melissa and Lori Love Literacy Ep. 181:  

What Research Says about Phonemic Awareness Instruction with Matt Burns  

Matt Burns, Professor at the University of Florida, shares what the research says about phonemic awareness. Key takeaways are a definition of phonemic awareness, why it is important to teach, and which phonological and phonemic awareness skills to prioritize in your instruction.  


Blog Post: Shanahan on Literacy 

 “Letters in Phonemic Awareness Instruction or the Reciprocal Nature of Learning to Read”  

In this blog post Tim Shanahan addresses using letters in phonemic awareness instruction. Also, Shanahan stresses the importance of instruction that incorporates both phonemic awareness and phonics skills in addition to other literacy skills. 


Blog Post: Joan Sedita 

 “Developing Phonemic Awareness Using Letters”  

Sedita highlights that after children know letter names, letter sounds, and understand the alphabetic principle, instruction should focus on identifying letter sounds, blending, and segmenting sounds using letters.  



Teaching Phoneme Awareness in 2024: A Guide for Educators  

This newly updated guide written by Ashby et al. describes phonemic awareness instruction, including the skill of phoneme deletion and provides lesson routines. This guide is research based and includes information on dialect and English language learners.  


The CDE website has a variety of Phonological Awareness Resources. On the website you will find consonant and vowel phoneme charts, a developmental continuum of skills, phoneme articulation cards and more. Interested in the phoneme similarities and differences in the Spanish and English languages? On the website you will find a document that highlights the shared and language-specific phonemes.  


CDE Website Updates 

READ Act Handbook 

The ELSR Office at CDE has recently compiled READ Act guidance documents into one easy-to-access READ Act Handbook! The handbook includes all the information needed to help guide READ implementation in districts and is organized to follow READ Act requirements throughout the school year. Also included in the handbook are newly revisedREAD plan templates, including a brand-new version specific to the needs of Multilingual learners.  All documents are fully accessible. Take a moment to check it out! 



: (58:02)  

In this webinar presented by the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) Dr. Jane Ashby and Dr. Meghan Martin demonstrate phonemic awareness routines, share the importance of phonemic awareness in learning to read and connect phonemic awareness to phonics instruction.  


(1:11:50) Kristin Lentz shares how to use phoneme-grapheme mapping to support phonemic awareness. First Lentz defines phonemes and graphemes. Lentz shares how to apply phoneme-grapheme mapping to words with digraphs, blends, multi-letter graphemes, and multisyllabic words.  


For More Information 


Do you have a colleague with whom you would like to share these resources?  

Feel free to forward the newsletter, or have them sign up to receive the newsletter here!  


If you have general questions or need assistance, find our contact information here:  


Web Link Disclaimer 

Because of their potential interest or usefulness to the education community or the general public, the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) occasionally provides links from this site to external web sites. It attempts to monitor such links on a regular basis. However, the Department cannot be responsible for the content of any site external to its own.  

Further, by linking to other sites, CDE is not endorsing any particular product, practice, service, provider or institution, nor does it necessarily endorse views expressed or facts presented on these sites.   

In addition, neither CDE nor any of its employees makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information linked to from this site. 


Free Adaptive Recreational Programs

by Beverly Blagg -

Free Adaptive Programs with picture of football and soccer ball

This is a great opportunity for students to participate in free adaptive recreational programs. Please share with others.

Be prepared for your next teaching license renewal!

by Mitzi Swiatkowski -

English Learner Professional Development requirement for license renewal

All educators holding an elementary, English language arts, math, science, or social studies (or any middle-level) endorsement on a professional teacher license that expires on or after Sept. 1, 2025, must complete English Learner Professional Development (ELPD) before renewing their license or they will be unable to renew until they have done so. 

The state board adopted the ELPD training requirement for these endorsement areas in 2018, allowing teachers to complete the training until their next full renewal period. Anyone who holds an ELPD designation on their credential already meets this requirement.

Important note: This requirement is based solely on the endorsement(s) held; it is not based on the content area an educator is presently teaching or if they are teaching at all. (For example, a teacher who also holds both a science and a music endorsement will be required to complete ELPD even if only teaching music.) Individuals serving in other positions (such as a principal, for example) or not presently employed in education and who wish to renew their teacher license with one of the identified endorsements still must meet this requirement. 

The ELPD designation requires 45 hours of training focused on the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse learners. Educators may fulfill the requirement via a pre-approved program or individual learning aligned with ELPD standards. District leaders with COOL access can download a report of their educators who have attained the designation.

More details for educators needing to complete the ELPD requirement can be found on the ELPD for Educators webpage. Email with questions.

EL PD: Accelerating Newcomer and ML Instruction in the Classroom Webinars

by Mitzi Swiatkowski -

Accelerating Newcomer and ML Instruction in the Classroom Webinar

Go to the following webpage and scroll down to register.  (These courses fill up fast, so I recommend registering ASAP if you are interested.):

The CLDE office is partnering with SAVVAS Learning Company to offer the following professional learning opportunities.

Dates & Topics:

Dr. Katie Toppel, Ed.D., is an English Language Development Specialist at the elementary level, serving Multilingual learners through collaboration, co-teaching, and small-group instruction. Dr. Toppel is a co-author of several books DIY PD: A Guide to Self-Directed Learning for Educators of Multilingual Learners and Portraits of Collaboration.

Dr. Deborah Short founded Academic Language Research & Training, LLC and provides professional development on SIOP, content-based English, and academic literacy. She co-developed the SIOP Model, directed research and evaluation studies regarding multilingual learners and their programs, and consults with the U.S. Dept. of Justice, Civil Rights Division. Publications include numerous books and journal articles. She is a TESOL International past president.

Dr. Jana Echevarría is Professor Emerita at California State University, Long Beach where she received her university’s Outstanding Professor award for excellence in scholarship, teaching, and service. A founding researcher and creator of the SIOP Model, Dr. Echevarria has published widely on effective instruction for multilingual learners, including those with learning disabilities. She has presented her research throughout the U.S. and internationally, including at Oxford University (England), Wits University (South Africa), Harvard University (U.S.), Stanford University (U.S.), University of Barcelona (Spain), and South East Europe University (Macedonia) where she was a Fulbright Specialist. She also was a resident instructor at Feng Chia University (Taiwan). Dr. Echevarria was inducted into the California Reading Hall of Fame and served as an expert on English learners for the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division. Prior to receiving her UCLA doctorate, she was a teacher in bilingual, ESL, and special education programs.

Self-Paced Depth & Complexity Courses: Level I and Level II

by Jodi Church -

The Depth & Complexity Framework can be used in any content area and at all grade levels. Using Depth & Complexity in the classroom enables students to go beyond a surface level understanding of a concept and pushes them to think more critically. 

Each of the two courses are 4 hours, online, and self-paced. Participants can register for one or both courses. Materials will be provided by ECBOCES. The cost per EACH course is $50 to be paid by the participant.  The cost of the course(s) will be reimbursed by ECBOCES if completed by January 10th.

Register by September 24th to ensure materials can be ordered and delivered to you. 

Find the registration link and more information on this flyer

Reach out to Jodi Church, with questions. 

DBQ September Newsletter

by Megan Eikleberry -

If you teach ELA or Social Studies in grades 4-12 and do not have access to the DBQ online portal, please reach out to Megan Eikleberry ( to gain access. 


DBQ Online Support Series September 2024


Watch these helpful started videos:

Connect with the DBQ Team:

  • Need a DBQ Online Overview Demo with a member of our team? Click Here
  • Go in depth with a FREE DBQ 101 self-paced course and earn PD credits? Click Here


Last spring, Portland Public Schools in Oregon launched a DBQ Essay Contest for 8th-grade students, and it was such a hit that they've decided to make it an annual tradition. In this video, you'll hear from the top three winners and a few of the runner-ups as they share their conclusions on the question: How Free Were Black Americans in the North? No doubt you’ll be impressed by the great insight of these young scholars!

Anjene Bryant, the Middle Grades Director of ELA and Social Studies, Portland PS

Students from diverse backgrounds were able to apply their learning to a topic that remains profoundly relevant: the concept of freedom. This contest not only challenged students to think deeply about history but also encouraged them to connect their insights to contemporary issues, fostering a richer understanding of the ongoing struggle for freedom and equality.

Click to play: Portland Essay winners


Check out this video on the District Admin Portal. The Portal allows you to create customized assignments and rubrics for your district, track usage at your schools down to the teacher level, create customized binders for a school or entire district, and much more!

If you don't have a District Admin Portal on your account, contact

Click to play: District Admin Portal Overview

How Do We Remember 9/11?
On September 11, 2001, the United States was attacked. Terrorists used airplanes as weapons and crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and a field in Pennsylvania. Almost 3,000 people from 90 different countries lost their lives. This Mini-Q looks at different ways we remember this tragedy by focusing on three particular groups - the victims, the survivors, and the helpers. 

Binder: Elementary Mini-Qs - Volume 2

Campaign Propaganda: Which Strategies Would You Use?

How do you respond to political ads? Do attack ads cause you to reject the candidate being attacked – or the one doing the attacking? Are you persuaded by endorsements from groups that you respect? Are you aware of how other ads try to influence you? Every election year, Americans complain bitterly about the many political ads they see over the long campaign season. This Mini-Q is designed to take you inside the world of campaign ads to learn about the strategies candidates and their managers use to win our votes.

Binder: Mini-Qs in Civics


Find DBQ at one of these Fall conferences:

Join us for one of these in-person invitational workshops:

Participate in our FREE self-paced courses:

The DBQ Project
"Helping ALL students to read smart, think straight and write clearly"

Location: 1234 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL, USA
Phone: 847-475-4007
X (Twitter): @dbqproject

CLD + GT Self-Paced Virtual Courses

by Jodi Church -

CLD + GT Courses Flyer

Register for one, two, or all three self-paced, virtual courses. Learn about the characteristics and needs of gifted/high potential + CLD learners and how to best support them. These courses will count toward the CLD re-licensure requirement. Each course is $75, paid by the participant. ECBOCES will reimburse the cost of each course to educators from the ECBOCES districts if courses are completed by December 8th. Register by September 18th. (Flyer states Sept. 1st but you have an extra two weeks to register.)

See flyer for more information and the link to register. 

Donors Choose: ACT FAST!!!!!

by Megan Eikleberry -

Starting on August 6th, Governor Jared Polis will award up to $600 in Federal COVID Relief funding to Colorado classroom teachers’ projects requesting resources to support students in response to COVID-19. Funding for eligible projects will likely be applied shortly after a project is approved, while funds remain. For the best chance at funding, submit a project on August 6th, 2024. Due to the nature of this opportunity, funding is likely to run out quickly and not every submitted project will receive funding. 

    • How to qualify:

      • If you don’t already have a teacher account, create one at Then return to this page to follow the rest of these instructions. Do not create a duplicate account.
      • Sign into your account.
      • Teach PreK-12 in a Colorado public school.
      • Create a new project on or after 12:30 PM MST August 6th, 2024
      • On the “HI” page while creating your project, enter the campaign code COLORADO by clicking "Enter a campaign code."
          • Where to enter the campaign code:
      • Request resources to support students’ social, emotional, and mental well-being as well as the impacts of interrupted academic learning as a result of COVID-19. 
        • Keep in mind that your $600 grant includes the materials cost, applicable taxes and fees, and the suggested donation to DonorsChoose. To keep your total project goal at $600 you should request around $450 in materials; you will see the project’s total goal update as you shopClick here for a cost example:
      • In your project essay, make sure to describe how the resources you’re requesting will help your students through pandemic-impacted learning.

      Create your project

      What won’t qualify:

      • Projects posted before 12:30 PM MST on August 6th, 2024
      • Projects with a total goal over $600 (this includes all fees)
      • Any items that include a subscription component
      • Any food items in your cart will disqualify your project
      • Materials from Scholastic, Time for Kids, or Teachers Pay Teachers gift cards
      • Resources categorized as "Food, Clothing, & Hygiene"
        • This means any items like food/snacks, clothing, first aid kits, hand sanitizer, deodorant, tissues, air fresheners, irons, cleaning supplies, or other non-COVID learning response related resources.
      • Projects with the subject area "Warmth, Care, & Hunger"
      • Professional Development, special requests, and virtual trip and visitor projects
      • Capital improvements to school building(s)
      • Salaries or bonuses

      If your project meets the above criteria, you’ll receive $600 in funding as soon as your project is reviewed by our team and posted on our site, while funds last. 

Donors Choose

Beginner zSpace Training

by Emma Richardson -

zSpace is offering a two hour beginner training on August 13th from 10am to 12pm via Zoom.  This will cover usage of the devices and an introduction to the A3 Studio software.

Participants should have a zSpace device to use while doing the training.

Please sign up HERE.

Part Time Professional Development Position Available

by Emma Richardson -

East Central BOCES is currently looking for someone to provide professional development to our districts related to zSpace technology and its broad range of CTE related software/curriculum.  Please see HERE for more information.

Arc of Adams County Picnic

by Beverly Blagg -

The Arc of Adams County is hosting a picnic for families on Friday, August 2, 2024 from 11:30 AM-1:00 PM. The event will be located at Trupp Park, 105 Palmer Ave, Bennett, CO 80102.  Pizza, activities and resources for parents will be provided. RSVP to Alma with the Arc of Adams County by July 31st by emailing her at- , or calling her at 720-736-7730.

Hiring Paraprofessionals for 2024-25 School Year

by Nicole Kollath -

Full-Time Special Education Paraprofessional needed for 2024-25 School Year in our West Area Center-Based Learning Programs located in Strasburg - Sign On Bonus Possible!

  •  Competitive pay and benefits including individual health insurance . $16-$19 per hour depending on experience
  • May be eligible for Sign On Bonus!
  • To apply for this position, please visit our website and click on the "Jobs" page, click on the job you are interested in & then click on the green button "Apply Online" at the bottom of the job listing. EOE

Manageable Differentiation for Advanced Learners

by Jodi Church -

TRAINING DATE: June 26, 2024
TRAINING TIME: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
PRESENTER: Andi McNair, Author, Consultant, Speaker 

LOCATION: East Central BOCES West Training Room 


It’s no secret that differentiation can be overwhelming and feel like one more thing on an already full teacher plate. What if there was a way to differentiate for gifted learners that was not only meaningful but also manageable? In this learning experience, you'll discover how to create meaningful experiences that will engage and empower gifted learners. Using the Designing for Depth framework, we will explore practical ways to design differentiated learning experiences that inspire an active willingness to invest, support and encourage productive struggle, and encourage authentic connections beyond the classroom walls. 

Bring a learning experience/lesson plan with you! Lunch, stipend, and certificate will be provided.

Summer Institute Registration

by Megan Eikleberry -
Please make sure you register on the ECBOCES website for summer institute so we can have accurate lunch counts. All ECBOCES participants will receive a stipend! We look forward to seeing you in June!

Summer Institute Flyer

Expand Your Teaching Toolkit this Summer!

by Megan Eikleberry -

 Join us for a great professional development experience with content specific PD, regional EL/ML PD, and DBQ! Stipend and Lunch Provided!

Reserve your spot now by registering on the ECBOCES website!!

Summer Institute

June 17th MindSpark Responsible AI and PBL Training!!!

by Emma Richardson -

Want to learn about the new tools that AI can bring to your classroom?  Want to learn how to save hours of time lesson planning, grading, writing goals?  Want to just find out what AI is all about?  Want a chance to take a cool tool back to your classroom?

We are excited to offer one more Responsible AI with Problem Based Learning training.  This training will be offered at the ECBOCES Limon Office.  While we are offering a Zoom connection, this will be a hands on training and in person attendance is highly recommended.  This training will bring something new for all previous Responsible AI attendees but will also provide for new attendees.  It is available for all ECBOCES Districts.

Lunch will be provided.



by Lorie Coonts -

Please see the attached document for a very important training opportunity:


With school districts reporting staff shortages and team members
lacking autism training, this content will focus on teaching
instructional strategies to IEP team providers newer to the field of
ASD (0-5 years). The focus of this hybrid training is for participants
to learn autism strategies using specially designed instruction for
effective programming (student/classroom). This will be a hands-on
learning opportunity with embedded coaching and practice on
learned content.


  • Staff working directly with students with ASD for less than 5 years
  • Suggested roles: teachers (special education, ECSEs, general education) speech/language pathologists, school psychologists, OTs, PTs
  • Possible paraeducator attendance: paraeducators

Manageable Differentiation for Advanced Learners with Speaker, Andi McNair

by Jodi Church -

It’s no secret that differentiation can be overwhelming and feel like one more thing on an already full teacher plate. What if there was a way to differentiate for advanced learners that was not only meaningful but also manageable? In this learning experience, you'll discover how to create meaningful experiences that will engage and empower advanced learners. Using the Designing for Depth framework, we will explore practical ways to design differentiated learning experiences that inspire an active willingness to invest, support and encourage productive struggle, and encourage authentic connections beyond the classroom walls.


June 26, 2024 from 9:00 - 3:00

Bring a learning experience/lesson plan with you. Lunch, stipend, and certificate will be provided. Register at

Questions? Contact Jodi at

Summer Learning (PD) Opportunity at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science

by Megan Eikleberry -
It’s summer and your chance to sit back and enjoy some learning at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.

 BE TREATED LIKE ROYALTY: We know that it’s your time to rejuvenate and so all of our courses include catered breakfast and lunch, visits to IMAX and planetarium, a book, and prizes. University level credit is also included making these courses a cheap way to earn relicensure credits.

 GET CREDIT: Except for the Field Course……Teachers can choose between doing just the face-to-face summer sessions for a certificate of hours OR Taking the full course which includes opportunities to try new ideas in your classroom with feedback from us.

 EARLY BIRD SPECIALS & SCHOLARSHIPS Access is important to us! Email us at to learn more about our Scholarships for BIPOC Educators & Rural Teachers. Coming from a distance of over 100 miles, to attend? We know that you’ll likely have lodging costs, and so we offer mileage reimbursement. None of these apply to you? Well, the first 10 ppl to sign up for any courses held at the museum get an amazing 50% off as an “Early Bird” scholarship.

 REIGNITE YOUR PASSION Although we do try to give you some new perspectives on your teaching practice, we try to keep it practical by supplying you with plenty of “walk-away” strategies and resources that you can use the first day that you return to school in the fall.

 Here are our 2024 summer offerings!
Contact for more questions:

Tim Blesse & Tamera Sakotas
Teacher Programs Consultants
Denver Museum of Nature and Science
2001 Colorado Boulevard, Denver CO 80205
(W) 303.370.8298 (C) 303.949.8683

Science PD K-12

by Megan Eikleberry -

Register on the EC BOCES website for April, 23rd. Zoom from 4:15-5:15. Participants will receive a $25 stipend!!

Implementing the Science and Engineering Practices Embedded in the Colorado Science Standards K-12: Session 3

Educators will share and reflect on their application of the Sensemaking Practices (Developing and Using Models, Analyzing and Interpreting Data, and Constructing Explanations). Educators will identify, define, and apply the Critiquing Practices (Engaging in Argument from Evidence and Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information). All participants will receive a $25 stipend.

Looking for more EL PD Hours? Read about an opportunity below!

by Mitzi Swiatkowski -

Upcoming from the CDE CLDE office:  Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education

Engaging Immigrant and Refugee Families: Bridging the Language and Cultural Gap with Dr. Don Vu – you will want to purchase the book before the session on April 30th.

Former award-winning teacher, and principal knows that reading can be transformative and life changing. Having fled Vietnam with his family in 1975, Dr. Vu understands the challenges children face when learning a new language and culture.  He will share his life experiences as a refugee and how to provide literacy pathways for immigrant students from his book: Life, Literacy, and the Pursuit of Happiness which can be purchased through Scholastic. 

To attend, register for this virtual event cut and paste this into your browser:

These events fill up fast, so if you are interested, register soon. 

Session starts promptly at 4:30pm. CE credits are offered for full attendance and can be applied toward the CLDE 45-hour licensure renewal requirement.

When:  Tuesday, April 30, 2024, 4:30 – 6:00 pm

Audience: Open to Colorado educators


Clarification Related to EL PD Hours Required by the State Board of Education and CDE

by Mitzi Swiatkowski -

English Learner Professional Development requirement for license renewal 

All educators holding an elementary, English language arts, math, science or social studies (or any middle-level) endorsement on a professional teacher license that expires on or after Sept. 1, 2025 must complete English Learner Professional Development (ELPD) prior to renewing their license or they will be unable to renew until they have done so. The ELPD training requirement for these endorsement areas was adopted by the State Board of Education in 2018, allowing teachers time to complete the training until their next full renewal period. Anyone who holds an ELPD designation on their credential already meets this requirement.

Important note: This requirement is based solely on the endorsement(s) held; it is not based on the content area the educator is presently teaching or if they are teaching at all. For example, a teacher who also holds both a science and a music endorsement will be required to complete ELPD even if only teaching music. Individuals who are serving in other positions (as a principal, for example) or not presently employed in education and who still wish to renew their teacher license with one of the identified endorsements must meet this requirement. 

The ELPD designation requires 45 hours of training focused on the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse learners. Educators may fulfill the requirement via a pre-approved program or individual learning that aligns with the ELPD standards. District leaders with COOL access can download a report of their educators who have attained the designation.

More details for educators needing to complete the ELPD requirement can be found on the ELPD for Educators webpage. Email with questions.

Responsible AI Training Reminder!

by Emma Richardson -

Just a reminder that we have two great AI trainings coming up (March 28th and April 3rd).  Don't miss out on learning about the technology that is fast invading everything we know!  These trainings are available for all ECBOCES districts.

Visit the ECBOCES Website to register.

Looking for EL/ML PD Hours? CDE is offering this course: Newcomers and Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE)

by Mitzi Swiatkowski -

The CDE Office of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education in Partnership with Seidlitz Education is Hosting a virtual training associated with the content of the book: Boosting Achievement.

  • Dates: March 25, 2024, April 1, 2024, April 8, 2024; each session is 2 hours, 4:00 pm-6:00 pm
  • Description of event: Colorado educators have an opportunity to join a virtual workshop series on Boosting Achievement for Newcomers and Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE). This is a multiple sessions series that focuses key classroom strategies to engage all students. The series will guide educators on how to support and plan for the challenges and learning opportunities unique to this subset of ML students. The sessions will be provided by Elise White Diaz of Seidlitz Education. The theory and practice of the work will be based on the research of Boosting Achievement by Dr. Carol Salva. 
  • Registration: Register for these sessions that will start promptly at 4:00 pm 
  • Book purchase: from Seidlitz Education, participants will need the book for these virtual sessions. 
  • The course aligns to the following Colorado Department of Education ELD Standards: 5.12(1) and (2); and 5.13(1) and (2), 5.14(1) and (2). CE credits are offered for full attendance and can be applied toward the CLDE 45-hour licensure renewal requirement. 

For additional information contact Alice Collins,


Tuesday, March 5th SPED Cluster has been CANCELED!

by Lorie Coonts -

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we need to cancel the SPED Cluster for next Tuesday, March 5th.  We appreciate your understanding.  


by Lorie Coonts -

TRAINING DATE: Monday, February 26, 2024
TRAINING TIME: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM 

PRESENTER: Darlene Blackford 

LOCATION: East Central BOCES West Training Room 

DESCRIPTION: THIS TRANING IS ONLY OFFERED IN PERSON! Sharing ideas and strategies that encourage teachers to teach science in a hands-on experimental way. 

A light meal will be provided for those attending, please register so that we know how much food and materials to prepare for. A /stipend will be paid to those attending and will be paid in May.

Virtual Professional Learning to earn PD contact hours related to English Learners/Multilingual Learners

by Mitzi Swiatkowski -

Take advantage of practical and engaging professional learning

In case you missed it, you have access to nine free self-paced workshops! Grab your laptop, gather your colleagues who support multilingual learners and dive into practical and engaging learning opportunities. The following self-paced workshops are available through August 31, 2024.

Developing Language for Learning in Mathematics

Engaging Multilingual Learners in Science: Making Sense of Phenomena

Exploring the WIDA PreK-3 Essential Actions

Home Languages in the Classroom

Making Languages Visible in the Classroom

Newcomers: Promoting Success through Strengthening Practice

Reframing Education for Long-term English Learners

Social Studies: Engaging Multilingual Learners through Inquiry

WIDA ELD Standards Framework: A Collaborative Approach

Learn more on the WIDA eLearning webpage where you can find course descriptions, a promotional flyer and PowerPoint slide to help spread the word to colleagues, and more.

Ready to get started?

Log in to your WIDA Secure Portal account. Don’t have an account yet? Visit your member/state page to learn how.

Locate the course and click on Course Details. Click Enroll Now.

Complete a self-paced workshop and print your certificate.

Questions? Contact the WIDA Client Services Center at (866) 276-7735 or

With gratitude,

Your friends at WIDA

The person in your district who manages WIDA access (for the Screener and ACCESS) should be able to create an account so you can access these courses.

Additional MindSpark AI Training Scheduled - a must for all!!

by Emma Richardson -

In response to the success of the first AI training, we have decided to offer a second offering and also a Deeper Dive in AI with PBL training.  These trainings are open to all East Central BOCES Member Districts.

The second session of the Responsible AI Training will be offered on March 28th.  It will be held at the ECBOCES West Training Room - in person attendance is highly recommended but Zoom will be an option for those that cannot travel.  Registration is limited so be sure to sign up soon.  There will be some great prizes and giveaways during the training and lunch will be provided.  CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

On April 3rd, MindSpark will be hosting a Deeper Dive into AI with PBL.  To attend this session, you must attend one of the Responsible AI Trainings.  This will be also be held at ECBOCES West Training Room and in person attendance is highly recommended for this training as well.   Registration will also be limited for this one so be sure to sign up soon.  This training will also cover some PBL practices and how AI can help you get going with PBL. There will giveways and prizes for this training and lunch will be served. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

NCSC Civics Education Essay Contest- Grades 3-12!

by Megan Eikleberry -

NCSC Civics Education Essay contest is now open

The NCSC annual Civics Education Essay contest is now open. All elementary, middle, and high school students in grades 3-12 are encouraged to participate.


Prize money will be awarded to the top three winners from elementary, middle, and high schools. Essays will be accepted online through midnight ET, Friday, March 22, 2024. Winners will be announced on May 1.


Students can enter through the essay contest portal found on our civics education page

You’ll also find materials that can be used to promote the contest in your courts and communities.


Please contact Molly Justice for additional information:

Spring -Summer 2024 Professional Learning Opportunities at DMNS

by Megan Eikleberry -

Denver Museum of Nature and Science is excited to share some of their Spring and Summer Professional Learning Workshops and Courses for K-12 teachers.  ( Some are science oriented and some are STEM specific)

We realize it can be a drive and sacrifice to come to Denver, so we can provide ECBOCES teachers with scholarships and mileage reimbursement for coming to Denver if they are coming 100 miles or more in distance. Email us at to learn more about our Rural Teacher Scholarship, our BIPOC Educator Scholarship or mileage reimbursement.


Tim Blesse

Teacher Programs Consultant

Denver Museum of Nature and Science

2001 Colorado Boulevard, Denver CO 80205

(W) 303.370.8298 (C) 303.949.8683

CLDE Newcomer Virtual Session with CDE

by Megan Eikleberry -

Up-Coming CDE Sessions - *Sessions that offer credit towards the 45 Hrs. CLDE Licensure. 

**Certificates will come from CDE. 


*Session #4:  From the Border to the Classroom: Experiences of Unaccompanied Children with Natasha Quiroga

  • Date: Tuesday, February 27, 2024
  • Time: 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
  • Audience: Educators, Educational Leaders, Community Leaders, and anyone supporting Newcomers


Key Take Aways:

Gain an understanding of the immigration process for children entering the U.S. legal system, detention facilities and the educational services provided, landmark cases of child protection, and more.




*Session #5: Virtual - Part 2: Teacher & School Staff Virtual- Session on Trauma-Informed Practices facilitated by Elise White Diaz, sponsored by CDE:

  • Date: Monday, March 4, 2024
  • Time: 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
  • Audience: Educators, Educational Leaders, Community Leaders, and anyone supporting Newcomers



  • Elise, an Educational Consultant at Seidlitz Education, specializing in trauma-informed education, seamlessly integrates culturally-informed pedagogy and language acquisition, consistently yielding notable improvements in state assessment scores. With a leadership background, Elise travels nationally, engaging in conferences and advocacy efforts with organizations such as NAELPA and Women-for-Orphans-Worldwide.
  • Join this interactive training to explore Trauma-Informed Multilingual Education (TIME), addressing the needs of diverse students with childhood trauma. Uncover strategies for navigating language and cultural barriers. Your participation is a commitment to positive change and shaping the future of education in Colorado. Don't miss out!



*Session #6: The Long Road Ahead: The Path to the U.S. and the Legal Journey of Immigrant Students

Natasha Quiroga, Esq


Key Take Aways:

The content in the session will cover understanding student’s backgrounds, educational experiences in their home countries, the immigration court system, the types of immigration relief for children, the challenges navigating the legal journey, and available resources to support students and families during the immigration process. 


  • Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2024
  • Time: 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
  • Audience: Educators, Educational Leaders, Community Leaders, and anyone supporting Newcomers



*Session #7: Supporting our Immigrant and Refugee Children Through the Power of Reading


Key Take Aways:

The Newcomer Cohort is pleased to partner with Scholastic to offer a virtual session with author Dr. Don Vu on how to support our immigrant and refugee students through the power of reading. As a former refugee, teacher, and principal Don’s literacy commitment for all students is powerful. This engaging session will spark conversations and inspire educators to explore diversity and build a culture of literacy in classrooms and schools. Dr. Vu’s session is open to educators at all levels. This is a great opportunity for teachers to reflect on the literacy culture of their classrooms and for CLDE departments to collaborate with colleagues in your Literacy office to transform reading opportunities for all students.


  • Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2024
  • Time: 4:30-6:00 pm
  • Audience: Educators, Educational Leaders, and anyone supporting Newcomers

Upcoming Early Childhood Cluster

by Lorie Coonts -

Reminder of the Upcoming Early Childhood Cluster on Monday, February 26th.  

Get registered ASAP!  

TRAINING DATE: February 26, 2024
TRAINING TIME: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
DATE: Monday, February 26, 2024 PRESENTER: Darlene Blackford LOCATION: East Central BOCES West Training Room 

DESCRIPTION: THIS TRANING IS ONLY OFFERED IN PERSON! Sharing ideas and strategies that encourage teachers to teach science in a hands-on experimental way. A light meal will be provided for those attending, please register so that we know how much food and materials to prepare for. A /stipend will be paid to those attending and will be paid in May.

Registrations needed for PBL Training!

by Emma Richardson -

At the end of the month, we are offering a great Problem Based Learning Training by MindSpark.  We currently only have four people signed up for this.  If we do not get more registrations by the end of next week, we will be rescheduling this training for the summer.  Please see the flyer below for more information.  


DBQ (Document Based Questions) February Resources

by Megan Eikleberry -

If you teacher Social Studies or ELA 5th-12th grades and do not have access to the DBQ portal, please reach out to Megan Eikleberry,, to get access! 


DBQ Online Support Series Online Support Series - February 2024

Welcome, February!

This edition of DBQ Online Support Series includes:

  • Video: Top 10 Ways to Use the Teacher Markup Tool
  • Spotlight Video: What Are Teachers Saying About DBQ Online?
  • February Unit Spotlights: Celebrating Black History Month -- share with your teachers!


Take 7 minutes and discover the power of the Teacher Markup tool! 

Your students will thank you!

Click to play: Top 10 Annotation Tools + 2 New Features

Check out what Joseph Niedziela (Director of Humanities, Fort Worth ISD, TX), Laura Moreau (K-12 Social Studies Specialist, Lafayette Parish Schools, LA), and Laura Webb (Literacy Specialist for Social StudiesDanville Public Schools, VA) have to say about DBQ Online. Thank you for your kind words, we think it's pretty great, too! 😉
Click to play: What Teachers Are Saying About DBQ Online - Part 2

How Did Abolitionists Make the Case Against Slavery?
Slavery was part of American life for more than two hundred years. Ridding the country of slavery was a hard-fought battle. This Mini-Q asks you to examine the ways that abolitionists, the people who worked to end slavery, tried to convince others that slavery must be stopped. 

Binders: Mini-Qs in Literature - Volume 2 & Mini-Qs in Literature - Volume 3

Martin Luther King and Malcolm X: Which Strategies Made the Most Sense for America in the 1960s?
The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s resulted in America’s biggest social revolution since the Civil War. The movement was grassroots and reached across the entire country. Two remarkable men, both quite young, and not always in agreement, became the clearest voices in the movement. These two men were Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X. In this Mini-Q you will consider the thoughts of both individuals. The documents are short but the ideas are large.

Binders: Mini-Qs in Georgia History & Document Based Questions in American History

Harlem Renaissance Poetry: Does High Art or Folk Art Best Express Racial Pride?
Between World War I and the Great Depression, Harlem became a hotspot for African- American artists of all kinds—painters, dancers, musicians, playwrights, and poets. During this time, now known as the Harlem Renaissance, a debate sprang up between two camps as to how to best express racial pride. This Mini-Q asks you to read poetry from this period and join the debate.

Binder: Mini-Qs in Literature - Volume 1

Class, Gender, and Race in To Kill a Mockingbird: Is Mayella Powerful?

Harper Lee’s classic novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, is both a heartwarming and heartbreaking story. Included in this story is the tale of Mayella Ewell, a poor, white woman living in a racist Southern community in the 1930s. Your task is to read through the documents in this Mini-Q and assess Mayella’s power.

Binder: Mini-Qs in Literature - Volume 1

What Was Harriet Tubman’s Greatest Achievement?

Harriet Tubman is a true American hero. In this Mini-Q, you will learn about three of her achievements: helping enslaved people escape to the North, leading a Civil War river raid, and caring for those in need. Then you will decide which of these achievements was the greatest.

Binders: Elementary Mini-Qs - Volume 2 & Original US Volume 1 Mini-Qs: Units 1-12

What Were the Underlying Causes of the Tulsa Race Massacre?

On June 1, 1921, a mob of white Tulsans looted and burned the Greenwood District of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Many people died, but the majority—more than 300—were African American. At the time and for decades afterward, the events of that terrible night were referred to as the Tulsa Race Riot. In fact, what happened was not a riot but an organized attack on an established African American community. 

This Mini-Q explores the underlying causes of the massacre.

Binder: New US Volume 2 Mini-Qs: Units 13-27


Upcoming Workshops:

FREE DBQ 101 Asynchronous Courses
The DBQ Project
"Helping ALL students to read smart, think straight and write clearly"

Location: 1234 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL, USA
Phone: 847-475-4007
X (Twitter): @dbqproject

Scaling Up for STEM!

by Megan Eikleberry -

ATTENTION MS and HS Science and CTE Teachers!!

The Scaling Up for STEM Initiative provides middle school (grades 6-8) and high school (grades 9-12) teachers with a yearlong immersive professional learning experience designed to enhance teacher confidence and classroom excellence in science, technology, and engineering; and increase STEM career exposure while boosting teacher understanding about the skills needed for a scientifically literate workforce. The program provides a tailored approach to support teachers’ efforts to create an equitable learning environment that increases student interest, participation, and academic success in STEM education. 

Scaling Up For STEM Teacher Fellows will receive:

Registration for pre-conference and conference at the 2024 NSTA National Conference in Denver, March 20-23

1 night hotel stay and 4 days of parking during the 2024 NSTA National Conference in Denver, March 20-23

One year of Digital Professional Membership in NSTA and enrollment in an NSTA Digital Learning Cohort

4 NSTA e-books

Coaching from a dedicated NSTA staff member

See the link below for the conference schedule and details about the online learning component:


For more information contact
 Rob Wallace or Megan Eikleberry


Problem Based Learning Workshop

by Emma Richardson -

East Central BOCES is happy to offer a two day Problem Based Learning Workshop with MindSpark Learning on Feb 29th and March 1st.   This two day workshop will introduce participants to Problem Based Learning. This is a powerful workshop offered in response to the many requests we have had. We will offer stipends for any non-contract days that teachers give up to attend plus there will be some great giveaways during the training as well. More details to follow. Use the link below to register before it fills up!  This training is available for all East Central BOCES districts.


3- Minute Survey to Provide Feedback for Professional Development Next School Year

by Megan Eikleberry -

Please take a moment to participate in this brief survey focused on professional development. Your input will assist the PD Needs Assessment Committee in gathering feedback on potential professional development topics for the upcoming 2024-25 school year. Your feedback will be used for planning purposes to determine professional development topics and presenters for zoom sessions and summer institute. 

Link to Survey

Your time and feedback are greatly appreciated!!

Wondering about AI (Artificial Intelligence)?

by Emma Richardson -

East Central BOCES is offering a one day training from MindSpark Learning on Responsible AI.  This will be a great day of learning all about AI and how it can be used responsibly in the classroom as a powerful learning tool.  

Register today before this training fills up by clicking HERE.

This is available for ALL ECBOCES member districts!

Attention Science Teachers K-12!!

by Megan Eikleberry -
Samantha Agoos, Science Content Specialist with CDE, will be hosting a 3 session series on Implementing the Science and Engineering Practices embedded in the Colorado Academic Standards for Science. Practical, concrete, and easy to implement strategies and resources will be shared. Participants will receive a $25 stipend for each session they attend. Register on the ECBOCES website to attend!

  • January 23rd from 4:15-5:15
  • February 20th from 4:15-5:15
  • April 23rd from 4:15-5:15

Please see attached link for more detailed information. Science Practices Details Agenda Link

DBQ Workshop: Inquiry and Investigations in Social Studies

by Megan Eikleberry -

Are you looking for ways to address the new Colorado Social Studies Standards in an engaging, student-centered way? Join The DBQ Project to learn how to blend Social Studies Content with the disciplinary skills and processes students need to succeed.

DBQ will be hosting two in person workshops. Pick the date and location that works best for you!

The DBQ Project Presents:  Inquiry and Investigations in Social Studies

 9 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.

Open to all social studies teachers, grades 4-12

Certificate of Completion for Contact Hours Provided

Lunch Included

Cost is $35 per person or $50 for a team of two


January 20 

Thompson School District in Loveland, CO

Register HERE


February 2, 2024 

CSU Pueblo Library and Academic Resource Center

More Information and Register HERE

Registration Closes Jan 11th for CLD & GT Courses

by Jodi Church -

The three Culturally and Linguistically Diverse AND Gifted courses are self-paced, virtual courses. You can take one or more levels and if you complete all three, you will fulfill the required 45 hours of CLD education needed for license renewal. Each course is $50 to be paid by you when you register but if you are an educator in any of the ECBOCES districts, you will be reimbursed for each course that you complete by the deadline, April 30th. 

Click here for for more information. 

Responsible AI and Problem Based Learning Workshops

by Emma Richardson -

We just received word that we were awarded the CSED grant for the 24 Spring semester which allows us to offer two great MindSpark Learning workshops.  We will be offering a one day session on Responsible AI and a 2 day workshop on Problem Based Learning.  Attendees will receive stipends for non-work days and a STEM related tool for their classroom.

Please take a few minutes to respond to this brief survey on what dates would work best for these workshops.

If you have any additional questions about these workshops, please contact Emma Richardson at ECBOCES.

Upcoming Educator Events at DMNS

by Megan Eikleberry -

 If any teachers are traveling from locations more than 100 miles away and want to attend one or more days of the course on the flyer, DMNS can 100% scholarship them and reimburse their mileage. We also have discounted hotel rooms we can offer. Reach out directly to Tamera Sakotas or Tim Blesse

The Science of Changing Your Mind: Building Deeper, Stronger, Conceptions of the World.  

  • Starting in January
  • DESCRIPTION: Learn & engage with practical strategies that empower students to take charge of their own learning.
  • Cost: $300 (scholarships for teachers traveling over 100 miles)

Spring Educator’s Night K-12

  • January 2nd from 6-9pm
  • DESCRIPTION: The museum appreciates the work you do with young people and the great service you provide our community. Join us for our annual spring semester appreciation event. Much of the museum will be open and completely free, including the Infinity Theatre (formerly IMAX) and the Planetarium, as well as “Behind the Scenes” tours of our research collection spaces.
  • Cost: FREE
Flyer and Registration Link

DBQ After School Special Workshops

by Megan Eikleberry -

What are the After School Specials, you ask? FREE interactive, dynamic learning experience right from the comfort of your favorite spot! 🏡✨ These invitational workshops, hosted on Zoom, have been crafted with your busy schedule in mind. Whether you're a seasoned DBQ Online expert or just starting your journey, there's something for everyone in our exciting lineup.

We have two strands, one for online skills and one for engagement strategies:

DBQ Online Skill Builder Series (#1 of 3)

Dive deep into the intricacies of DBQ Online! Every other Tuesday, we will spend 30 minutes digging into DBQ Online tools to expand your toolbox and make your usage more effective. The workshops provided will dive into grading and feedback, customizing writing, and teacher marks-ups and tools.

🌟 Elevate Your Efficiency with DBQ Online! 🚀

📊 Plan Formative & Summative Assessment

🔍 Master Grading & Feedback

💡 Assess Quickly & Efficiently 

🌐 Dive into DBQ Online

🗓️ 12/12/23 | 🕒3:45pm MST

Using DBQ: Innovative Instruction Series (#1 of 3)

Get ready for an immersive experience as we explore instructional strategies with DBQs. Learn how to engage, captivate, and inspire your students through Quick Writes, Pre-Bucketing, and Bucketing. Transform your teaching methods and create a lasting impact on your students' learning.

🚀 Engaging Instructional Support and Skill-Building Adventures Await with Quick Write Mastery! 📝

📚 Dive into Quick Write Strategies

📝 Turbocharge Summarization & Comprehension

💡 Spark Creativity in Your Classroom

Quick writes are the secret sauce to student engagement and comprehension! 🌟

🗓️ 12/19/23 | 🕒 3:45pm MST

**See attached flyer to register for the sessions and access the zoom link!

After School PD Special Flyer

**ECBOCES will provide stipends to participants who receive a certificate of completion!

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse AND Gifted Online Courses

by Jodi Church -

Hello Educators,

If you are looking for some virtual, self-paced courses to learn more about best practices for our CLD and gifted students, check these out! There are three levels and you can choose to participate in one or more courses next semester. See the flyer linked below for all of the information. 

Please note that you will be invoiced for the courses, but you will be reimbursed by the ECBOCES gifted program if you complete the course(s) by the due date, April 30, 2024.  

*These courses will fulfill the CLD 45 hour requirement for re-licensure. 

Link: CLD & Gifted Registration Information

Reach out to Jodi at with questions. 


by Beverly Blagg -

East Central BOCES is seeking a Speech Language Aide and/or Occupational Therapy Aide for the remainder of the 23-24 school year. 

  • Duties include picking up students from class, monitoring students during virtual instruction, and returning them to class.
  • Training will be provided.
  • Great Opportunity for someone who wants to work while your children are in school or someone who is taking online college classes. 
  • The salary range is $15 - $18 per hour, depending on experience.
  • 36-40 hours per week
  • Mileage reimbursed for travel between schools.
  • School Locations: Strasburg, Bennett, and Woodlin. 
  • For questions, please contact Tracy at 719-775-2342 ext. 101 or
  • To apply go to and scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the posting. 

2023-2024 Colorado Science Toolkit for Learner-Centered Assessment Systems PLC

by Megan Eikleberry -

Hello Science Teachers and Leaders!

As you may know, the State Board recently reintroduced achievement on the CMAS science assessment into the school and district frameworks. Here is the draft 2024 Framework Scoring Guide

 If you are interested in learning more about high-quality, relevant, three-dimensional assessments that will prepare students for the three-dimensional items on CMAS science, please consider this FREE, virtual professional learning from Angela Landrum of CDE and Sara Cooper of CU Boulder. The first session is this Thursday. 

 2023-2024 Colorado Science Toolkit for Learner-Centered Assessment Systems PLC

The November-May sessions will be held on Thursdays from 4:00pm-6:00pm. The summer institute will be held June 10-13, 2024, from 9:00am-2:30pm each day. 

  • All sessions will be facilitated virtually via Zoom.
It is encouraged, to the extent possible, to engage in this work with a team but if that is not possible individual participants will certainly be supported. Please see the schedule below.

Module 1 – Cultivating Learner Centered Assessment Systems

  • Nov. 16, 2023: Develop Our Vision for Science Learning and Student Performance
  • Nov. 30, 2023: Center Students in our System

 Module 2: Building a Foundation for Equitable 3D Assessment

  • Dec. 14, 2023: Refine Our Priorities for Our Work and Grade Band Analysis
  • Jan. 11, 2024: Analyze the Elements of a Target 3D Standard
  •  Jan. 25, 2024: Brainstorm Phenomena for Student Sensemaking

 Module 4: Designing Assessments to Fulfill Our Vision

  • Feb. 8, 2024: Task Design with a Focus on Phenomena
  • Feb. 22, 2024: Task Design with a Focus on Scenarios
  • Mar. 7, 2024: Task Design with a Focus on Coherence
  • Mar. 21, 2024: Design a Paired Check & Connect

 Module 5: Tending to Learner Artifacts

  • Apr. 4, 2024: Seeing Student Work
  • May 2, 2024: Analyzing and Interpreting Student Work

 Summer Institute

  • Jun. 10, 2024: Anchoring Assessment in Curriculum, and Task Design with a Focus on Feedback
  • Jun. 11, 2024: Interrogate our Vision from Multiple Perspectives, and Analyze our Local Assessment System
  • Jun. 12, 2024: Using Student Work in Caring Ways, and Anchoring Assessment in Curriculum
  • Jun. 13, 2024: Shifting from Grading to Appraising, and A Vision and Plan for Equitable Grading

**If interested in participating, email Angela Landrum to register. She will send calendar invitations for each session to those who are interested. 

Free Self-Paced EL PD Workshops Available

by Mitzi Swiatkowski -

SY23-24 WIDA Workshops - 

 Nine self-paced workshops are available to Colorado K-12 public school educators at no cost from Sept. 1, 2023 – Aug. 31, 2024. The content is relevant for all educators: school leaders, coaches and facilitators, K-12 classroom teachers, ESL teachers and specialists, and professional learning communities. These virtual workshops are available under the Professional Learning tab within the WIDA Secure Portal (valid login required). 

Ready to start your professional learning?

  1. Log in to your WIDA Secure Portal account. Don’t have an account yet? Contact your District Assessment Coordinator for account activation.
  2. Locate the course and click on Course Details. Click Enroll Now.
  3. Complete a self-paced workshop and print your certificate.
  4. Contact the WIDA Client Services Center at (866) 276-7735 or for technical assistance.

How do I get a WIDA Secure Portal account?

Info about creating WIDA Secure Portal Accounts: District ELD Program and/or Assessment Coordinators will create a bulk upload with educators’ names and email addresses. Once the bulk educator list is created, a user with District permissions will upload this list to WIDA Client Services Center (CSC). After WIDA CSC receives and processes the bulk upload, an automatic email will be sent to educators on the list inviting them to create an eLearning account through the WIDA Secure Portal. This account will give access to the eLearning self-paced workshops and other eLearning resources.

Adaptive Basketball Clinic

by Emma Richardson -

Please see this flyer regarding an Adaptive Basketball Clinic to be held in Strasburg on November 16th.