For those teachers who have school email addresses associated with a Google Apps account, we have now enabled Google login so that you can log in to our website with your school credentials. Currently, this is set up for the following districts: Agate, Arickaree, Arriba Flagler, Burlington, Hi Plains, Idalia, Limon, Kiowa, Stratton.
To take advantage of this, you have to do the following:
1. The email in your ECBOCES profile must be your school email address. (If you are unsure, when logged into the site, click on your name in the top right hand corner of the site, click on Profile. If the email there is not your school email, click on Edit Profile, update the email and click on update profile)
2. If you are logged into the ECBOCES website, log out. Then, from the home page, click on the Google icon in the Login box. Enter your school login.
3. You will then be sent an email to connect your Google login to your ECBOCES website account. Once you have clicked on the link in the email, the two accounts will be linked and you will then be able to use your school login to access our website.
We hope that this will make it easier for you to access our site. I hope to be able to add more districts as they confirm that the emails will match correctly so if your district is not listed and you know that you have Google Apps, please put in a help desk ticket and we will follow up. A few districts (Bennett, Byers, Deer Trail) do not have your school email linked to Google and so we cannot set those up as yet.