Reminder, Today: Twice Exceptional Students: Definition, Characteristics, Strengths, and Identification

Reminder, Today: Twice Exceptional Students: Definition, Characteristics, Strengths, and Identification

by Jodi Church -
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January 8th (Part I) and February 19th (Part 2), 2025, on Zoom from 4:30 - 5:30

For classroom teachers, special education teachers, gifted education coordinators, and administrators. 

Twice Exceptional (2e) students are those who are identified as both gifted and who are on an IEP or 504 plan. These two sessions will be hosted by the CDE Twice Exceptional Team. The consultants will focus on what it means to be 2e: definition, characteristics, strengths, and how to identify and serve these students. 

Register at Stipends will be provided for ECBOCES educators who attend both sessions for the entire hour. 

Questions? Contact Jodi Church at

2e Flyer