Strengthening Math Instruction through the Math Practices!

Strengthening Math Instruction through the Math Practices!

by Megan Eikleberry -
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Make sure you register for the Math PD next week offered through ECBOCES! 

October 15th: K-5 Zoom from 4:15-5:45

October 16th: 6-12 Zoom from 4:15-5:45

Join Catapult Learning in this virtual, interactive workshop! Teachers will explore 4 of the 8 practices that the NCTM has identified as elements of effective math instruction. Teachers will cross-walk these 8 practices with the Mathematical Practice Standards. After deconstructing each practice into sub-skills, teachers will design personalized goals for professional growth. This workshop will serve as a springboard into the November 12 coaching day. Stipend included!