Looking for more EL PD Hours? Read about an opportunity below!

Looking for more EL PD Hours? Read about an opportunity below!

by Mitzi Swiatkowski -
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Upcoming from the CDE CLDE office:  Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education

Engaging Immigrant and Refugee Families: Bridging the Language and Cultural Gap with Dr. Don Vu – you will want to purchase the book before the session on April 30th.

Former award-winning teacher, and principal knows that reading can be transformative and life changing. Having fled Vietnam with his family in 1975, Dr. Vu understands the challenges children face when learning a new language and culture.  He will share his life experiences as a refugee and how to provide literacy pathways for immigrant students from his book: Life, Literacy, and the Pursuit of Happiness which can be purchased through Scholastic. 

To attend, register for this virtual event cut and paste this into your browser:  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYrde6vrToiG9XFHEoJVnarYLI94Mdk7P2b#/registration

These events fill up fast, so if you are interested, register soon. 

Session starts promptly at 4:30pm. CE credits are offered for full attendance and can be applied toward the CLDE 45-hour licensure renewal requirement.

When:  Tuesday, April 30, 2024, 4:30 – 6:00 pm

Audience: Open to Colorado educators
