ECBOCES Website Login

ECBOCES Website Login

by Emma Richardson -
Number of replies: 0

We have changed our login process to the ECBOCES website.  Your account info has not been affected but we have had report login problems.

When you go to our website, please use the ECBOCES Login button.  This should direct you to a screen to enter your email or username.  Once you enter that, you should get a screen that prompts for your password and will then log you into the site.  (For those that had their login credentials saved so that they autofill, this will no longer do that when you first use this new process and you will need to know what your login info is.)

Sometimes you might see a session error.  If this happens, normally clicking the ECBOCES login button at the bottom of that page will direct you to the username screen.

We have had a few report that they are getting a page not available error.  If this happens, please clear your browser cache and return to the ECBOCES website and try the process again.

If you still are having problems, please submit a ticket at

We apologize for the inconvenience.  We have changed our process to a Single Sign On login that will allow one login to access multiple ECBOCES services.