Potential Short Term Timeline

November 2022

  • Meet with districts to discuss grant implementation and planning (IN PROGRESS)
  • Grant approval November 18th
  • Districts submit zSpace software requests
  • Order zSpace devices and programming (Devices ordered November 28th)

December 2022

  • 25 Inspire Pro devices have been received and have been sent to districts.
  • Coordinate with zSpace to provide initial training sessions.
  • Start search for Connected Learning Coach.
  • Identify teachers for Computer Science training.

January 2023

  • Start piloting with small groups of students on the Pro devices already in districts.
  • Hire Connected learning coach. 
  • Order equipment for VNETS Rooms upgrades.

February - March

  • Hopefully receive balance of zSpace devices (four month back order)
  • Expand pilot program to larger student groups.
  • Work with Coach to determine next year's programming and best usage of zSpace equipment.
  • Work with Coach to decide on computer science programming, set up courses for next year.