TechSmart Computer Science

This is our second year working with TechSmart to offer computer science programming to our students.  Classes are being taught in house in three districts currently and also offered out over VNETS.  This started with the Innovations in CTE grant and will continue through the next school year with the Rural Coaction grant.


1. Robust teacher training that enables any teacher to teach Computer Science classes.  

2. A series of computer science classes aligned to CS standards available at both Junior High and High School levels.

3. The teacher training combined with some internship work allows any certified teacher to become a CTE Certified Teacher in the IT division (does NOT need an IT degree.)

4. Classes lead to Industry certifications for students and apprenticeships (available remotely).

5. Your students can earn the certifications and qualifications needed to get a good paying job that often will allow them to stay in their community by working remotely.


1. Identify teachers to be trained.

2. Let students and parents know of the new opportunities.

3. Offer out Computer Science classes.