Rural Coaction Grant

Site: East Central BOCES. Making a Difference for Students.
Training/Resource: Rural Coaction Grant
Book: Rural Coaction Grant
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Date: Saturday, December 21, 2024, 9:54 AM

Grant Details




This grant has the purpose of increasing CTE opportunities and Career Connected Learning options for our students.


All districts except Kiowa are included in this grant.


From date of approval through June 30, 2024.


  1. Hiring of a Career Connected Learning Coach for district support.  This position will help districts look at their CTE options and help them integrate more opportunities with the addition of new technology and curricula.

  2. Expansion of the computer science classes that we started this year.  This grant will provide training for up to 10 teachers.  Teachers that go through this training will be able to apply for CTE certification in the IT area (without the need for an IT degree).  Classes are available for both Junior High and High School students.

  3. zSpace devices and programming will be given to each district to support and add to their existing CTE programs.


  1. Support from the Career Connected Learning Coach.  This support will be tailored to each district’s needs.

  2. Access to computer science classes through the VNETS system or in district if you have a trained teacher at no or minimal cost.  Access to robust teacher training ($2500 value per semester section taught) with stipends for teachers being trained and for those offering out classes over the VNETS.

  3. zSpace equipment and programming with provided training and support.

  4. Upgraded computers and cameras for VNETS rooms.

  5. $1000 stipends for district personnel for providing onsite technical support for zSpace equipment and for district coordinators to help with implementation of new programming.


  1. Schedule a brief meeting with Emma to go over grant details (include principals/CTE coordinator/counselor as wanted).  CLICK HERE to schedule a convenient time. (OPTIONAL BUT RECOMMENDED)

  2. Select programming for zSpace devices.

  3. Identify a district coordinator.

  4. Provide time for training of district staff on zSpace.

  5. Identify teachers that might want to be trained for teaching computer science classes.

  6. Help get the word out to students and parents for new classes that are available.

  7. Use the zSpace equipment as best suited in your district.

  8. Fill out brief surveys when requested and provide any data needed for grant reporting.

Potential Short Term Timeline

November 2022

  • Meet with districts to discuss grant implementation and planning (IN PROGRESS)
  • Grant approval November 18th
  • Districts submit zSpace software requests
  • Order zSpace devices and programming (Devices ordered November 28th)

December 2022

  • 25 Inspire Pro devices have been received and have been sent to districts.
  • Coordinate with zSpace to provide initial training sessions.
  • Start search for Connected Learning Coach.
  • Identify teachers for Computer Science training.

January 2023

  • Start piloting with small groups of students on the Pro devices already in districts.
  • Hire Connected learning coach. 
  • Order equipment for VNETS Rooms upgrades.

February - March

  • Hopefully receive balance of zSpace devices (four month back order)
  • Expand pilot program to larger student groups.
  • Work with Coach to determine next year's programming and best usage of zSpace equipment.
  • Work with Coach to decide on computer science programming, set up courses for next year.

zSpace Information

A large part of this grant involves the implementation of zSpace equipment and programming.  zSpace combines Augmented/Virtual Reality with a robust line of programming.  AR/VR is highly beneficial for student engagement and the availability of programming will enable districts to expand their class offerings, especially in the CTE area.


zSpace Inspire Device Details (each district will receive one or two Pro models and three to ten Regular models. (See form below to find out your allowance)

zSpace CTE Opportunities (linked to NOCTI certifications)

zSpace K12 Programming


After reviewing the information above, all district needs to decide what programming options they want to have installed on their devices.  

Please use THIS FORM to submit your programming choices.  I have added a brief video below to explain how to fill out the form. 


TechSmart Computer Science

This is our second year working with TechSmart to offer computer science programming to our students.  Classes are being taught in house in three districts currently and also offered out over VNETS.  This started with the Innovations in CTE grant and will continue through the next school year with the Rural Coaction grant.


1. Robust teacher training that enables any teacher to teach Computer Science classes.  

2. A series of computer science classes aligned to CS standards available at both Junior High and High School levels.

3. The teacher training combined with some internship work allows any certified teacher to become a CTE Certified Teacher in the IT division (does NOT need an IT degree.)

4. Classes lead to Industry certifications for students and apprenticeships (available remotely).

5. Your students can earn the certifications and qualifications needed to get a good paying job that often will allow them to stay in their community by working remotely.


1. Identify teachers to be trained.

2. Let students and parents know of the new opportunities.

3. Offer out Computer Science classes.