Special Education Services
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What is SWAAAC?
The Colorado Department of Education’s school-based StateWide Assistive and Augmentative Alternative Communication (SWAAAC) teams provide multidisciplinary Assistive Technology services to enable students with disabilities equal access to the curriculum and full participation in their education and classroom. East Central BOCES SWAAAC Team serves 21 districts, students and families in Eastern Colorado.What is Assistive Technology?
Assistive Technology (AT) is any tool that helps a person with a disability function more effectively in the performance of activities at home, school, work or play. For some students with physical, sensory or communication disabilities, AT is the lifeline that provides them with another means to perform school-related tasks and participate in the school environment. Depending on the needs of the individual, an AT device can enable mobility in the school environment, equal access to information, the ability to communicate, and participation in the learning environment with a classroom. It enables them to develop the skills and knowledge needed for education after high school and living more independently in the community. (SWAAAC, 2011)What is Augmentative Alternative Communication?
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) includes all forms of communication (other than oral speech)