Federal Programs Services
Section outline
The Federal Programs Department of East Central BOCES is committed to assisting all of our rural districts in all areas of grant writing, coordination and implementation in order to provide needed resources to improve student achievement, teacher quality and provide exceptional professional development.
The Purpose of Title I
The purpose of Title I, Part A is to provide resources to schools and districts to ensure that all children have a fair, equitable, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and close educational achievement gaps.
Title I, Part A is intended to support LEAs in:
- Improving teaching by promoting effective instruction for at-risk children and for enriched and accelerated programs;
- Expanding eligibility of schools for schoolwide programs that serve all children;
- Encouraging school-based improvement planning;
- Establishing accountability based on results;
- Promoting meaningful parent and family engagement;
- Coordinating with health and social services agencies;
- Focusing resources on the schools with the highest percentage of students living in poverty.
· To support scientifically-based programs and strategies
· To provide professional development, supporting interventions in reading and math
Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High Quality Teachers and Principals
A Federal program designed to increase student academic achievement by increasing the number of highly qualified teachers and principals.
· To increase student academic achievement
· To increase the number of highly qualified teachers, principals and paraprofessionals
· To provide resources which reflect scientifically based-research and best practices
· To provide high-quality, effective professional development
Language Enhancement and Academic Achievement Act
A Federal program designed to provide language instruction and academic support for limited English proficient (LEP) students, including immigrant children and youth.
· To increase LEP students’ academic achievement
· To provide resources which reflect scientifically based-research and best practices
· To provide professional development focused on specific intervention strategies
Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act
Basic and Reserve Funds
Perkins funding is based on two formulas, Basic and Reserve, and supports vocational-technical education. The purpose of the Act is to equip a workforce with the academic and vocational skills needed to compete in a technologically advanced society.
Basic funds are allocated to districts with approved vocational programs.
Reserve funds are discretionary funds. Rural vocational programs have been the focus of these funds due to the many barriers that rural schools experience.