Gifted Education Services
Section outline
To provide access and support to gifted students and stakeholders by using data to drive identification and programming through a lens of equity, diversity, and inclusion which cultivates students' academic and social-emotional growth while being mindful of the unique challenges of rural education.
East Central BOCES Gifted Program
ECBOCES is committed to providing our districts with the support, resources, and professional development educators need to better serve their gifted student population. We have a Gifted Education Regional Consultant (GERC)/ECBOCES Gifted Coordinator who works closely with district gifted education coordinators to monitor and develop a program plan that specifies guidelines for gifted identification and programming options. Our GERC/Coordinator provides support to educators by offering a variety of professional development options that focus on using effective instructional strategies and programs to enhance differentiation and challenge in the regular classroom. In addition, we organize annual regional events for gifted students throughout our region to provide opportunities for them to engage with their peers in activities that have been specifically designed for students with their characteristics.
Click HERE for a detailed look at the EC BOCES Gifted Program.
Student Events
East Central BOCES and Northeast BOCES have collaborated to organize regional student events for the past several years. Each year, there are two or more elementary events and secondary events. In most cases, students in the talent pool are also invited. (The talent pool is made up of high achieving students who have not yet met the state criteria for gifted identification.)
District GT coordinators are responsible for inviting students and providing them with the registration information.
Student Events ULTIMATE SUMMIT- 7th to 12th grade ULTIMATE CELEBRATION - 3rd to 6th grade 2020 Spring - Careers in the Court System 2021 Celebrate Character 2021 Fall - Careers in Animatronics 2022 Celebrate The Surge 2022 Fall - Careers in the Healthcare System 2023 Celebrate Creativity 2023 Fall - Technology in Agriculture 2024 Celebrate Discovery 2024 Fall - Careers in Communication 2025 2025 Spring - The Power of Following Your Values
Find us on Face Book: East Central BOCES
Local District Coordinators
Each district in the ECBOCES Administrative Unit has at least one Gifted and Talented Coordinator who monitors the gifted education program for the district or the school level. Please contact the GT Coordinator to learn more about the gifted program at each school.
If you are a GT Coordinator, please click HERE for Resources. You will need to be logged in to access them.
District Coordinators District
GT Coordinator(s)
Melinda Walls
Ronda Peeples
Sarah Smithburg
Kim Azulay– Primary and Intermediate Schools
Lori Bell-Kirby - Middle School
Jennifer Goodnight – High School and District
Julianne DeChiara - Sky Ranch Charter Academy
Dawnta Weber
Kaileigh Bonner - Elementary School
Michael Steach – Middle School
Delsi Steach – High School and District
Connie Butterfield - Elementary School
Amy Burns – Secondary School
CES/Astravo Online
Michelle Akpaeti - Special Programs Coordinator
Amanda Tope - GT Teacher
Marissa Reynolds - GT Teacher
Cheyenne Wells
Bethanie Osborn
Deer Trail
Sierra Doorgeest
Jill Hollowell
Hi Plains
Giget Brubacher
Cindy Soehner
Tammy Parker-Thornton
Jacob Hoover
Kit Carson
Natalie Framel
Jane Bellows
Carey Carson Strasburg
Kristin Aramowicz - Elementary School
Ashley Price - Middle School
Marissa Hauser - High School
Teesa Yacco - Elementary School
Megan Jostes - Secondary Schools
Deb Atwater
It takes a village…parenting a gifted child is not always easy. The link below offers tools and resources to help gifted children and their families thrive and succeed. Resources include links to state and national organizations, book lists for parents and children, information about general GT topics, state and national competitions, and social emotional issues.
Please click HERE for parent resources.
For an overview of the ECBOCES Gifted Program, click HERE.