PRESENTER: Megan Eikleberry, EC BOCES Staff Development/Impact Team Coach
LOCATION: East Central BOCES West Training Room
This training is for new district coordinators, returning coordinators who would like to learn more about the Impact Team process, and teachers who are on Impact Teams that want to learn more. Participants will get resources to help run and participate in Impact Team meetings while learning the purpose and WHY behind Impact Teams. Lunch will be provided so get registered so we have an accurate lunch count.
LOCATION: East Central BOCES West Training Room
This training is for new district coordinators, returning coordinators who would like to learn more about the Impact Team process, and teachers who are on Impact Teams that want to learn more. Participants will get resources to help run and participate in Impact Team meetings while learning the purpose and WHY behind Impact Teams. Lunch will be provided so get registered so we have an accurate lunch count.
- Contact/Presenter: Megan Eikleberry
Location: N/A
Credit Hours: 6