
Tuesday, November 14, 2023


11/14/2023 - SPED Cluster - Implementing Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP's) and Progress Monitoring

Tuesday, November 14, 4:15 PM » 6:15 PM
Site event
PRESENTER: TBD LOCATION: Over Zoom DESCRIPTION: A Board Certified Behavior Analyst will discuss how school teams can implement BIP's successfully as well as take a deeper look at how to collaborate and collect data together in order to make decisions about behavior challenges. You will be paid a $25 stipend for attending this session! Make sure you register and sign in when you attend the session. Changes to attendance will not be made at a later date!
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11/14/2023 - zSpace PLC Control by Fun2

Tuesday, November 14, 4:15 PM » 5:15 PM
Site event
PRESENTER: Alan Zube LOCATION: On Zoom DESCRIPTION: Visualize components, learn basic commands, and practice programming instructions
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11/14/2023 - Empowering K-12 Math Teachers with High-Impact Strategies

Tuesday, November 14, 4:15 PM » 5:15 PM
Site event
PRESENTER: Kristen Eveland LOCATION: Over Zoom DESCRIPTION: Join Kristen Eveland for a hour-long session where participants will explore John Hattieā€™s metadata research on effect sizes and discover how to apply high-impact strategies to your math classroom. Teachers will learn when potential strategies, such as mathematics problem solving, classroom discussion, and curiosity, are most effective for surface, deep, and transfer learning. All participants will receive a stipend.
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