
Wednesday, October 18, 2023


10/18/2023 - zSpace Advanced Manufacturing Hydraulics

Wednesday, October 18, 4:15 PM » 5:15 PM
Site event
PRESENTER: Clint Barnes LOCATION: On Zoom DESCRIPTION: Use 3D models and animations to explore fluid power componets and hydraulic systems
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10/18/2023 - Paraprofessional Cluster - Emotional Intelligence

Wednesday, October 18, 4:30 PM » 6:30 PM
Site event
PRESENTER: Megan Bashioum, EC BOCES School Psychologist LOCATION: Over Zoom DESCRIPTION: Megan Bashioum, a School Psychologist Intern will be presenting on Emotional Intelligence. She will be discussing the key elements and how they relate to relationships with others. Strategies will be provided to help paraprofessionals not only be aware of their own emotional intelligence but also how to support students build their awareness and skills in this area.
Emotional Intelligence.pdf

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