
Tuesday, February 25, 2025


2/25/2025 - Face-to-Face Monitoring Check-in

Tuesday, February 25, 9:00 AM » 2:00 PM
Site event
PRESENTERS: Mitzi Swiatkowski and Megan Eikleberry LOCATION: East Central BOCES West Training Room DESCRIPTION: February 25 in-person session (no Zoom available) 9:00 to 2:00 for your school staff to continue collecting documentation for both programmatic and financial monitoring reporting. This session will be similar to the October session we hosted, but we are inviting both the program and financial representatives. Updates will be provided. Megan and Mitzi will answer questions and support the participants during the work session. This is the last full day work-session we will facilitate before the the monitoring early next fall. We have scheduled one more Zoom session on March 26. Lunch will be provided so please register so that we know a count for food. Thank you.
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2/25/2025 - K-5 Math Open Coaching Session #2 over Zoom

Tuesday, February 25, 4:15 PM » 5:45 PM
Site event
PRESENTERS: Catapult Learning LOCATION: Over Zoom DESCRIPTION: Join experts from Catapult Learning for a professional coaching session aimed at K-5 teachers to discuss effective math instruction and the Mathematical Practice Standards. Teachers are encouraged to submit their questions in advance via the Google Doc in the event resource section. A $25 stipend is included!
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